Could your healthy habits and practices use a little refresh? I share 5 ways to renew your Chronically Well practices!
Read MoreInformed intuition can help you make decisions that feel right and true for you, while being sensible at the same time. Let’s make sure your inner voice is giving you advice worth listening to!
Read MoreLiving with a chronic illness doesn’t mean you can't live well. Learn how to nurture yourself and develop healthy habits that nurture you right now.
Read MoreHow did I begin to live well with chronic illness? It all started with one mindset shift.
Read MoreYou want to fit wellness practices into your life. But, chronic illness can make it difficult to commit to a rigid plan because symptoms can be unpredictable. I am excited to announce the Chronically Well Membership that provides a personalized program that is flexible, realistic and supportive!
Read MoreDo you ever wonder what it would take for you to thrive with chronic illness? To feel like you are in charge of your life and your health? I will tell you the most important thing you can do to make this happen!
Many of us living with chronic illness loathe the words “accountability” and “goals.” Allow me to suggest a reframe! This post shares 4 fundamentals of creating supportive “goals” and “accountability” for living well with chronic illness.
Read MoreYou know you want to find a way to live well with chronic illness. But, what is the first step? I will tell you!
Read MoreAre you feeling overwhelmed managing chronic illness in your everyday life? This post explores how to shed overwhelm and find your unique path to calm, clarity, joy and Chronic Wellness Balance.
Read MoreWhile the holidays can be heart-warming and joyful, they can also feel a little hectic and overwhelming. We can feel tensions in our priorities that can make it harder to put our health and wellness first. That is why I am sharing 4 tips for prioritizing YOU during the holidays.
Read MoreWe know to expect bumps in the road on our chronic illness journey. When it happens, please consider this post for some encouragement and supportive tips.
Read MoreChronic illness can impact many different areas of our lives. When we only focus on following traditional medical advice we end up missing some things that could really move our wellness forward. Here’s more info on how an integrative approach provides an opportunity to find your unique path to living well with chronic illness.
Read MoreNo matter how long most of us live with chronic illness, we frequently get reminded that what we want to do in a day may not be as realistic as we would hope. However, accepting the parameters of our chronic illness can give us space to live our lives in a way that works better for us as we are right now. This post explores how.
Read MoreIt might feel counterintuitive to take a moment to recognize what you are doing to care for yourself when it feels like a small drop of effort into a big bucket of chronic illness challenges. But, in this blog post I invite you do just that! And, I share why it is so important to living Chronically Well.
Read MoreWhen thinking about self-advocacy as it relates to chronic illness, we typically think about getting what we need from others, including our healthcare providers, employers or people in our personal lives. It can be easy to forget that an important part of self-advocacy also relates to being proactive ourselves.
Read MoreHow do you break down goals into specific action steps and measure progress when the outcome might not be easily definable and quantifiable? Some tips for those living with chronic illness.
Read MoreWhile traditional healthcare professionals can support you with the medical side of living with chronic illness, there are many other aspects of your life that might need some adjustment or support in order to live chronically well. But, who can help you with the practicalities of daily life and behavior change? A health coach.
Read MoreOne of the reasons that living with chronic illness can be so tough is because of how it impacts the rest of your life. On top of the inherent difficulties of living with chronic illness, we are usually faced with tough decisions that require us to reprioritize other aspects of our lives. But, making these tough decisions is true self-advocacy.
Read MoreRest can be such a critical part of living chronically well. But, rest can feel different than other healthy habits like exercise because many of us don’t think of it as being productive. Let’s talk about why it is productive and how to make it a priority!
Read MoreThe concept of wellness can be unrelatable when living with chronic illness - until you think of it as more of a pursuit, than a destination. It is not necessarily the absence of disease. It is more of a process to improve quality of life.
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