Empowering People Living With Chronic Illnesses

Client Testimonials

Healthcare consultant | New York, New York

“The Chronically Well program is an absolute game changer with implementing wellness practices while living with chronic illness!”

It helps to achieve your goals in such a supportive way. Leslie is a compassionate and thoughtful coach who has helped me tremendously with learning how to meet myself where I'm at. I have seen so much progress in my mindset and approach to my wellness practices. Thank you, Leslie!


Software developer | seattle, washington

“What I found was a new way of thinking.”

I had already been doing many things to live well, but I was burnt out and frustrated. Turns out I was not giving myself enough credit for what I was doing. I was not celebrating the wins. Once I started looking at it differently, everything I was doing felt less like an endless marathon and more like short races with wins. I fully recommend (Chronically Well). I cannot say what you will get out of it because Leslie individualizes the program for each person. For me, I had a mindset change in that (I feel) less stressed and more in control of my own health.


Tech Company Executive | San Francisco, CAlifornia

“Meeting and working with Leslie feels like it was "meant to be" at a critical inflection point in my life. It has changed the trajectory of my life and saved me years of pain and suffering.”

It has also given me a new kind of confidence, not that I know all the answers, but that I can navigate any new life challenge with her help.

Leslie Thorpe Integrative Health Coaching is that missing link to achieve and sustain holistic wellness! I have to admit that I had no idea what Integrative Health Coaching was when I was first referred to Leslie Thorpe’s practice. The first thing I did was research her certificate program with Duke University and immediately I was not only impressed, but intrigued. This was not the standard life coaching I’d heard about in the past. 

Still, I was hesitant to let just anyone into the health team I had so carefully cultivated to support me. I decided to take a chance with an intro meeting with Leslie and from that first moment we connected I knew she was the illusive missing link that could help me reach and sustain a new normal after my new chronic illness and disability. 

I had been struggling through one of the hardest times in my life and, after literally and figuratively hitting rock bottom physically, mentally, and emotionally in my personal and professional lives, I was in the process of accepting and living with my new life circumstances. I had already spent many months clawing my way slowly toward a new normal for health and wellness, but the path ahead was so uncertain and so daunting. 

I never realized I would need a whole team of professionals to keep me well and functioning, and that it would be almost a full time job for me to not only track and manage the advice from the disconnected medical professionals, but also to be able to pull myself out of the weeds to see the bigger picture, set holistic goals, and steer my life in that purposeful direction vs. treading water until the next big wave hit. 

Leslie gave me that hope and even helped me imagine for the first time how I would potentially be able to find the little joys in each day along the continued journey. Leslie vulnerably shared her own life story, challenges, wisdom gained, and inspiration for starting her practice. 

 Meeting and working with Leslie felt like it was "meant to be", at a critical inflection point in my life. Leslie changed the trajectory of my life and saved me years of pain and suffering if I had been on my own. In fact, literally days after meeting, I faced a new significant hurdle that I’m not sure I would have bounced back from so quickly without her genuine care and dedicated guidance.  

Working with Leslie has given me a new kind of confidence, not that I have all the answers, but that I can navigate literally any new life challenge with her help. I had what I needed inside myself to set and meet my new goals, I just needed the confidence, organization, and focus that Leslie provided to not only survive, but to thrive in my new skin. 

 I will be forever thankful for the unique role Leslie has played at a critical time in my life. I can’t recommend her, or her profession, more highly for bringing such an important skill and vocation to the community, where so many of us are constantly flipping between the different hats we wear, rarely able to set true intention around our ‘whole self’, and always chasing the almost impossible ideal of a well rounded life. 

Integrative Health Coaching is the closest thing I’ve ever experienced to really be able to make that life-change you’ve been going after for so long, and Leslie has a special ability to help you get there, since she’s lived that life transformation herself! Thanks Leslie. Our meeting was destined. With your help I know I’ll come out more refined with every new pressure life brings my way.

Communications Professional | San Mateo, California

“Leslie really meets you where you are and just encompasses you in support.”

I realized that I needed someone to help me get back to myself again. Leslie was really my rock as I worked with her to get to a more peaceful place... 

Today I have integrated daily practices, that we worked together to brainstorm, into my life, and although I still have moments of stress, overall I have a sense of calm that I didn’t think I could have... 

There are so many reasons I love working with Leslie, but I think the biggest is that I don’t feel shamed by her ever. She finds a way to encourage me without making me feel like I am not doing enough or should be doing more.

Leslie really meets you where you are and just encompasses you in support. She is someone I can cry with, share my victories with, and map a path to my next health goals with. I can’t recommend with enough enthusiasm her as a health coach, and as a friend.