Empowering People Living With Chronic Illnesses

With the thrive program —

Go From Overwhelmed To Empowered In 4 Months.


Those wishes you carry to live a normal life again? 


And while you may have been in a spiral of despair since receiving your diagnosis or in the daily moment-to-moment management of your symptoms…

I’m here to tell you that...

  • You do not have to feel alone and powerless on this journey. 

  • You do not have to agree with every recommendation from your doctors. 

  • You do not have to suffer in silence.

Survival mode — that feeling like you’re just treading water, is no way to go through life. And while you may doubt it, you can thrive with your illness.

You can move toward healing.

And it starts with taking the wheel and becoming your own health advocate so that every decision you make is bringing you closer to what you crave most: to feel better.

With the right guidance and support, this can be your reality.



A 4-month private health coaching experience —

that’s been designed to free you from overwhelm and hopelessness and awaken you to exactly what your body and mind needs to thrive, with a personalized wellness roadmap.

Together, we can help you identify that missing link and take action to truly transform your life!

  • Know how to improve your quality of life with chronic illness

  • Discover how to prioritize what means most to you

  • Learn how to have an empowering dialogue with your care providers

  • Find the self-care practices that support you and your chronic illness journey

If you want to gain more agency over your illness and your life, the solution is a personalized integrative approach that addresses ALL areas of your life… Which is one of the things that’s usually missing from a traditional medical approach.


How The THRIVE Program Works —



The Assessment

  • An initial self-assessment.

  • 1 x 80-minute private Integrative Health Coaching session where you’ll gain clarity on your motivations for wellness. 

  • Identifying the areas of your life and health that might be holding you back from a higher level of wellness.


The Roadmap

  • 3 x weekly 50-minute Health Coaching sessions where we’ll take a deep dive into establishing and implementing your goals. This takes place during the first month. 

  • We look into the specifics of your life, health, and how your vision for wellness can be implemented to help you step into personal health advocacy.



The Integration

  • 3 months x bi-weekly 25-minute Integrative Health Coaching sessions where you’ll move along your roadmap. (6 sessions). 

  • This is when you become more practiced and proficient with implementing your prescribed changes! You will begin to internalize your goals and begin to experience a sense of natural flow.

  • You will have access to a personalized, HIPAA compliant app for goal tracking and texting.


The Empowered Journey

  • During our last session, we will reflect on your progress and identify how to sustain the habits and shifts you’ve made.

  • A summary guide for moving forward with your personalized wellness roadmap.


After our work together, you’ll be able to:

  • Overcome your feelings of overwhelm with chronic illness

  • Take a more active role in your health and your life

  • Clarify what areas of your life may be holding you back from thriving

  • Prioritize where you spend your energy

  • Create your roadmap to thriving with chronic illness

  • Begin your path to wellness in a supportive environment

  • Reconnect with hope for your future and what brings you joy

This is for you if you are…

  • Ready to take a more active role in your health and health care 

  • Open-minded about learning what is serving you and what is not 

  • Looking for more balance between managing your symptoms and day-to-day life 

  • Tired of feeling spread too thin and are ready to make some changes

  • Missing support from someone who understands

  • Seeking an individualized plan that accounts for the specifics of your life

Ready to start thriving?


Want a little more support?

The SUSTAIN Package is available for THRIVE clients to extend our program.

This package includes:

  • 4 x monthly, 25-minute Integrative Health Coaching sessions to help fine-tune your wellness goals and receive support as you continue to thrive.

  • Access to a HIPAA compliant app for goal tracking and texting.

Ready to THRIVE?

Submit an application for the Thrive Program by clicking below

Thrive Starter Guide

The ultimate guide to kickstarting your journey to thriving with chronic illness. Hint: It takes more than following doctors’ orders! Download this now to learn *all* my thriving secrets.

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