Posts in Self-Advocacy
Balancing Traditional And Integrative Medicine To Live Chronically Well

Discover how balancing traditional and integrative medicine can help you live well with chronic illness. This post explores the benefits of combining these approaches, from addressing root causes to empowering you with personalized strategies.

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Embracing Your Inner Expert To Live Chronically Well

Uncover the path to thriving with chronic illness by harnessing your inner expertise. Embrace your innate wisdom to empower yourself to live well despite the challenges of chronic illness. Learn how in this post!

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Announcing Chronically Well - Integrate Wellness Into Your Life, Your Way!

You want to fit wellness practices into your life. But, chronic illness can make it difficult to commit to a rigid plan because symptoms can be unpredictable. I am excited to announce the Chronically Well Membership that provides a personalized program that is flexible, realistic and supportive!

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The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Live Chronically Well

Do you ever wonder what it would take for you to thrive with chronic illness? To feel like you are in charge of your life and your health? I will tell you the most important thing you can do to make this happen!

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Prioritizing YOU During The Holiday Season

While the holidays can be heart-warming and joyful, they can also feel a little hectic and overwhelming. We can feel tensions in our priorities that can make it harder to put our health and wellness first. That is why I am sharing 4 tips for prioritizing YOU during the holidays.

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Self-Advocacy & Being Proactive: A Gentle Reminder to Schedule that Healthcare Appointment

When thinking about self-advocacy as it relates to chronic illness, we typically think about getting what we need from others, including our healthcare providers, employers or people in our personal lives. It can be easy to forget that an important part of self-advocacy also relates to being proactive ourselves.

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Prioritizing Your Health Is True Self-Advocacy

One of the reasons that living with chronic illness can be so tough is because of how it impacts the rest of your life. On top of the inherent difficulties of living with chronic illness, we are usually faced with tough decisions that require us to reprioritize other aspects of our lives. But, making these tough decisions is true self-advocacy.

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Relationship Self-Advocacy When Living With Chronic illness

Self-advocating in personal relationships when you are living with chronic illness can be tough because people in your life may not be able to fully understand what you are going through, what you need, or how to help you. They can’t feel what you are feeling, just like you can’t feel what they are feeling.

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Self-Advocacy In Daily Life With Chronic Illness

There are many aspects of our lives that can hold us back from living well with chronic illness that have nothing to do with medical care. This is one of the most interesting and empowering lessons that I have learned from my experience with chronic illness and as a health coach.

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Chronic Illness, Relationship Tension & The Pandemic: Practical Tips For Navigating

Tensions can arise when you mix chronic illness and relationships. It seems to happen when emotions are running high, priorities shift, and we need to make adjustments to how we show up for ourselves and other people in our lives. Here are 3 practical tips for navigating your relationships, chronic illness, and the pandemic.

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3 Steps to Successfully Self-Advocating the Healthcare System with a Chronic Illness

The 3 steps to being a successful self-advocate in the healthcare system with a chronic illness include: changing your mindset, getting involved in decision-making and creating your own healthcare dream team. Self-advocacy is a key to thriving with chronic illness.

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