Are you feeling overwhelmed managing chronic illness in your everyday life? This post explores how to shed overwhelm and find your unique path to calm, clarity, joy and Chronic Wellness Balance.
Read MoreGratitude can be a bit of a loaded idea when you are having your worst days with chronic illness. We know we “should” feel gratitude. But, if you are not feeling it, can you still be the chronic illness icon you think you are?
Read MoreWe know to expect bumps in the road on our chronic illness journey. When it happens, please consider this post for some encouragement and supportive tips.
Read MoreNo matter how long most of us live with chronic illness, we frequently get reminded that what we want to do in a day may not be as realistic as we would hope. However, accepting the parameters of our chronic illness can give us space to live our lives in a way that works better for us as we are right now. This post explores how.
Read MoreIt might feel counterintuitive to take a moment to recognize what you are doing to care for yourself when it feels like a small drop of effort into a big bucket of chronic illness challenges. But, in this blog post I invite you do just that! And, I share why it is so important to living Chronically Well.
Read MoreWhen we show ourselves compassion, it might make it easier to flip the script on feelings of shame related to how we show up for life with chronic illness. Are you giving yourself enough credit?
Read MoreLiving with chronic illness can entail a lot of focus on being a warrior and a self-advocate, not to mention the effort to keep up with living day-to-day life with symptoms. It can be exhausting. How do you stay connected with your reasons for wanting to do what it takes to live well with chronic illness when you are juggling all that? It might help to spend some moments focusing on what brings you joy.
Read MoreWhen you have a chronic illness, by definition, it is not going anywhere anytime soon. When faced with that reality, how do you maintain hope for future healing? While you likely need to accept your diagnosis and its corresponding limitations in order to navigate everyday life, being open to the possibility that you can achieve your own version of wellness, is key to balancing accepting your chronic illness reality with hope for future healing.
Read MoreThriving with chronic illness requires a thriving mindset. This mindset involves accepting your illness and working with it rather than against it. It involves giving yourself some self-compassion as you live with the inherent difficulties of it. But, it also leaves room for hope and the possibility that your healthy choices will make more room for your body to heal.
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