4 Truths Revealed By Chronically Well Clients To Empower YOU
Find 4 key truths about wellness habits and chronic illness that have the power to transform your well-being!
Living with chronic illness can often feel like navigating a never-ending maze. But what if we could find ways to make that journey a little bit easier? Through my work with clients enrolled in the Chronically Well program, I've gathered some invaluable insights. These insights reveal key truths about wellness habits and chronic illness that have the power to transform your well-being.
In this blog post, I want to share these 4 truths with you. By understanding and implementing them, you'll be better equipped to manage your condition and live a fulfilling life despite your chronic illness. Let's explore these truths together and empower your path to wellness.
4 Truths Revealed By Chronically Well Client Data
Truth 1: We Tend To Be Hardest On Ourselves On "In-Between" Days
Let's face the reality: we oftentimes are the hardest on ourselves during those in-between days, the 'plan B or C days', as I like to call them (read more HERE). On these days, we may be grappling with varied symptoms and perhaps our energy is not at its usual peak. Nonetheless, we are still able to participate in life in a significant way — but perhaps operating at a 75% capacity.
Why do these days tend to weigh heavier on our mindset? Drawing from personal experience and numerous client interactions, these days can be extra challenging. This is primarily because we are not quite as efficient as on our gold-star days, yet not feeling unwell enough to take the entire day off. These are the 'gray area' days where we may overstretch ourselves, aiming to achieve as much as we would during an optimal day. It's tantalizingly within reach, causing genuine frustration. However, we frequently exhaust ourselves if we push too hard. Being so close, and yet so far, from an optimal day can leave many of us feeling a bit defeated.
It becomes important to have a well-thought-out plan for these types of days. Dealing with these 'gray area' days requires us to recalibrate our expectations of ourselves. This is where the 'Chronically Well' app can be an essential companion. This app is designed to help you navigate through these hazy days. Together, we identify the patterns of your typical days, and it becomes evident that adjusting your expectations during these days is crucial to avoid draining your energy reserves. Recognizing a plan B or C day warrants granting yourself a bit more flexibility.
Being more forgiving towards yourself can be the most compassionate act. It can prevent self-criticism and frustration by letting you know it's okay to scale back a bit and allow yourself the space and grace to show up as you are. Preemptively deciding what needs to be tweaked on such days not only alleviates stress but also paves the way for a healthier approach to daily life.
This is precisely why daily self check-ins are vital, and the Chronically Well program seamlessly integrates that into your routine.
Truth 2: We All Get Side-Tracked From Our Wellness Habits At Some Point
My exploration of the Chronically Well client data has unveiled another crucial insight: we all, at some point, get derailed from our health practices. The interference could be a result of illness, travel, life events or any competing priorities. These deviations are quite common and require a gentle nudge to help us return to our desired rhythm.
This is where the beauty of the Chronically Well program shines. It provides the invaluable opportunity to keep track of your routines, monitor your progress, and receive timely reminders that help you refocus on your objectives when you're ready to reclaim them.
There are instances when it becomes necessary to modify your wellness routines to cater to your changing situation. For example, if you become sick with the flu, your priorities may shift from working out and eating nourishing foods to maintaining adequate rest and hydration. The Chronically Well program allows you to meet yourself as you are and manage your wellness needs proactively and responsively while receiving support and encouragement from your health coach.
However, the journey doesn't end there. Once you've recovered, the Chronically Well program makes it effortless to revert to your pre-flu routines. You can resume your wellness journey smoothly and at your own speed, thanks to our work together and the fact that the app (and your coach) are ready to get you back on track when you are ready.
truth 3: There Is Power In Priorities and Planning
After reviewing client data, it is unmistakable that having clarity in your priorities and planning stand at the core of achieving your personal and health goals. When you are steadfast in your motivation, determined in your purpose, and realistic in your planning, there are hardly any hurdles that could impede your progress.
Let's look at my own journey as an example. The truth is, I don't relish exercise. Despite this, exercise plays a pivotal role in my journey towards better health. Consistency has been key for me. While I would often rather be doing something (or anything!) else than working out, the post-workout feeling and results are something I have come to cherish. I workout for the health benefits.
I have seen my health improve over the years, with noticeable gains in strength, balance, endurance and cardiovascular health. This is of paramount importance to me, as I have heart and lung damage from cancer treatments. In my 30s, I struggled with energy levels, breathing, and keeping up with other people my age. Today, I feel more energetic and much healthier than I probably should with my medical history. This transformation, I believe, has been possible, in large part, because of my consistent focus on exercise.
I see this narrative playing out for my clients as well. When they prioritize certain habits and make consistent choices that bolster their personal wellness, they become further inspired by the tangible results they experience. Nothing motivates a person to persist with a healthy practice more than witnessing a significant positive shift in their well-being. The results foster motivation to keep going.
Truth 4: wellness Tends To Ripple Into Other Parts Of Our Lives
The fourth truth revealed from my client's data is that there is transformative power in wellness habits and practices that tend to permeate other areas of their lives. The beauty of this is that the positive impacts are not only significant, but are often surprising. As a health and wellness coach, I am witness to the incredible and unpredictable changes that unfold in my clients' lives as they make the conscious decision to consistently prioritize their wellness.
In the Chronically Well Program, I have witnessed numerous instances of these transformative shifts:
Clients have reported positive changes in their relationships as a result of their commitment to mindfulness and stress reduction practices.
Clients who have centered their attention on movement have experienced unexpected improvements in mobility, energy levels, endurance, and even mood.
Those who have shifted their focus towards nutrition have not only reported increased energy and reduced inflammation but also surprising positive changes in their symptoms.
Clients who advocate for themselves in the healthcare system have experienced major changes in medical issues that seemed to have no answer.
These examples are a testament to the positive ripple effects that consistent wellness habits can trigger in various facets of our life. They highlight just how much agency we hold in our own lives and the remarkable outcomes brought about by consistent, albeit imperfect, efforts towards wellness. For related reading, check out THIS blog post on taking an integrative approach to wellness.
Integrate Wellness Into Your Life, Your Way
For more information on how the Chronically Well Membership can support you as you implement nourishing wellness practices, click HERE.
Living with chronic illness is undeniably challenging, often feeling like an endless maze of unpredictability. However, by understanding and integrating the 4 truths we've explored, you can begin to see a clearer path to managing your condition and enhancing your well-being.
If any of these truths resonated with you, I encourage you to reflect on how they manifest in your daily life.
By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to handle the complexities of living with chronic illness and find balance amidst the chaos.
If you're interested in learning more about how the Chronically Well program can support you in integrating wellness into your life, I invite you to book a complimentary call HERE to explore how it can help you on your unique journey.
How do these 4 truths play out in your life with chronic illness?
How can you use your knowledge of these 4 truths to empower your chronic illness journey?
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